Monday, September 29, 2008

15 months

Andrew is officially 15 months old and he had his well baby checkup this morning. He weighed in at 28lb. 6oz. (95%) and 33in. tall (90%). So, he continues to be a big boy, but his growing has slowed some since his 12 mo. checkup. Unfortunately, he had to have 4 shots! He was not happy that mommy let those women poke him! But, after some cuddles and some craisins he was happy again.

Ryan and I had a great time Saturday night at Cody Prom (Buffalo Bill Historical Center Patron's Ball). I wore a beautiful long black halter top dress and Ryan wore a tux for the first time since our wedding. We stayed out until 1am dancing and drinking and visiting with old friends and family (We went with Ryan's parents). It was a fun night out with adults. Very little talk of diapers and sippie cups. We had our picture taken by the photographer there (not digital) so I don't have any pictures to share. We are looking forward to not traveling this next weekend and staying home!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Before and After



Recently we had our upstairs bathroom remodeled at our house. And we are really happy with the results. No more gold! See before and after pictures above (again not in the right order and I couldn't delete the picture that is turned wrong)!

Also, Ryan is doing much better. Thanks to everyone for your support and inquiries. He has been diagnosed with migraines. Unfortunately, the doctors have said that he can expect to have them fairly often in the beginning and the beginning of each migraine is always the same; he can't speak and he feels numbness in most of his body. This is not fun for Ryan or anyone in the family, but it is better than what it could have been and he now has medication which helps curb some of the symptoms.

We still desperately need a new computer! Somehow it is working tonight, but VERY SLOWLY. Remember dial up? This is worse.
I travel for work this week, which makes me a little nervous to leave Andrew with Ryan and his new health issues. But, I'm sure that I am worrying for nothing and all will be well.

Friday, September 5, 2008


I haven't been blogging for a couple reasons. First, our computer is on the fritz it is definitely time for a new one and we are undecided as of yet which new computer to buy. So, I haven't been able to get pictures downloaded. We will want a laptop and we are currently deciding between a Mac or a Sony. If anyone has any suggestions or strong opinions on laptops please let me know.

Second, Ryan has been having major health issues this week. On Monday morning we had to take him to the ER because he was unable to speak clearly and his right arm and hand were numb. It was exceedingly scary. The first thought in all the doctors minds was that he may have had a stroke. Fortunately, all of the tests (MRIs, Cat Scans, heart ultrasounds, EKGs) showed that he was in good health and did NOT have a stroke or other serious conditions. The diagnosis was that it was caused by a severe migraine. Then this morning he had another severe migraine. This time he was vomiting and was in serious pain. Finally, after seeing our family doctor today he has gotten some appropriate medication and he is sleeping now and hopefully will feel better soon.

Once we get this computer working or buy a new one I will be back to more frequent updates with pictures!