Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Balance

This post is about the following essay, please read the essay first to understand my personal ramblings:

As a mother of two who has a career outside the home parts of this essay really resonated with me. I am familiar with Pinterest and I have a Facebook account and I read blogs like Pioneer Woman.  All of these things do influence me.  I had finally heard enough about Pinterest that I attempted to become a member, but, then I had to be invited and apply or something???  It all became too complicated and time consuming.  Yes, filling out yet another online account is too time consuming in my world, but, I see enough Pinterest on Facebook to get the idea what it's about.  More projects.  I mean organizing my closets and junk drawers is on my list of to dos, but, making it so perfectly perfect, not likely.  I think all this Pinterest and perfect domestic goddess stuff is ridden with more Mommy guilt.  I already feel guilty that at the end of a long day I rarely cook and if I do it is something really simple, grilled chicken, frozen peas and baked potatoes would be a staple meal.  Then I spend as much time as possible with my boys before getting them to bed by 8 p.m. and crashing in my bed at 8:15 p.m.  Often the dishes aren't done and the laundry is in piles in the laundry room, but, in my exhaustion it just isn't a priority.  I have goals of picture frames full of family pictures arranged aesthetically on a large wall in my home, it may happen some day.  But, really what is more important, alphabetized spice racks or reading books and playing hide and seek with my two boys.  My boys won't remember the dishes or the closets (well maybe they will and maybe they won't be the best housekeepers someday) but, we are sure they will know they were/are loved. 

So, moms let's agree that we love the eye candy of these blogs and sites that show us how perfectly perfect our lives could be, but, that we will love our lives the way they are and just be moms to our children now while they need us more than ever.  Because, really what our kids want is us.