Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Andrew's 1st Birthday!

This past Saturday we celebrated Andrew's 1st Birthday. He will officially be one on Wednesday the 25th. He had a lot of fun at his party. He was so excited with each present and card. He loved the chocolate cake and as we sang Happy Birthday it was all I could do to hold back the tears. I just can't believe how fast he growing. It has been the best year of my life being a mom and seeing him learn and grow, I know this next year will be even better! Happy Birthday to my little Roo!


mike and chenoa said...

Happy Birthday Andrew! The time really does fly by when they are this little. I love Andrew's cake!

Stacey J. said...

Happy Birthday Andrew!!! I love the cake too. Where did you have that done?

Beth said...

Chenoa- isn't it amazing how quickly! I can't believe Rowan is 6 mo.

Stacey- I had his cake done at Safeway-Cole. I called all over town for a "cowboy cake" and no one could do one. Finally, a lady at the Safeway bakery said it wasn't a "corporate cake" so to speak, but she thought she could freehand draw a cowboy on a bronco. I was really pleased.