Thursday, May 17, 2012

Through His Eyes

For Mother's Day my most prized present was the hand painted photo frame and hand drawn card that Andrew made at his preschool.  Because preschool is almost out and Father's Day has yet to arrive Andrew also gave Ryan his Father's day gift and card as well.  My card said the following:

It makes my mom happy when I give her flowers and stuff.
I know my mom loves me, because she helps me go across the monkey bars.
My mom is really good at helping my grandma and grandpa that are old.
When my mom is not working, she likes to stay home with me and my brother and we go to stores.
I like to stay home the whole day and play games with my mom.
My mom always says to me, "I love you!"
Spaghetti is my mom's favorite thing to eat.

Ryan's card said the following:

It makes my dad happy when he watches sports.
I know my dad loves me, because he gives me hugs and kisses.
My dad is really good at talking to grown-up boys like him.
When my dad is not working, he likes to play hide and seek with me.
I like to play the games in my room with my dad.
My dad always says, "I love you!"
Chicken and steak are my dad's favorite things to eat.

Wow!  Do you think Andrew knows his mom and dad?  Ryan and I really enjoyed seeing ourselves through his eyes.  Getting to see more and more glimpses into Andrew's personality and having him really get to know us as people, not just mom and dad, is the gift of a growing boy.

1 comment:

mike and chenoa said...

That sounds like the best mother's / father's day gifts ever. I am very impressed with how expressive he is. Obviously he knows he is very loved.